Sprint #1: Shaking up the eHealth Industry in the New Digital Era
Innovation Sprint workshop, 19th September 2017
Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30 bte 1.30.30, 1200 Bruxelles
Healthcare sector is one of the main pillars of the economy at a global level. It involves patients, physicians, National Health Systems, insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, vendors, researchers and providers. It represents a good portion of the GDP of any Government and attracts billion dollar investments every year. The technology and Internet evolution have contributed significantly to the creation of eHealth within the Healthcare sector. That aims to improve citizens’ health and well-being.
Nevertheless, the barriers to entry in this highly regulated business sector are huge and therefore integrated eHealth solutions fail to reach high levels of penetration. In Innovation Sprint, we consider this rather as a big challenge. We align our efforts to address the existing market efficiently and bring up unknown needs to disrupt the healthcare industry. The Sprint #1 workshop presents products, ideas, disruptive concepts and includes panel discussions with major stakeholders of the industry. The outcome of the workshop will be a Special Issue on “Shaking up the eHealth Industry in the New Digital Era” in the Journal of Continuous and Disruptive Innovation.
Welcome and keynotes (Chair: Sofoklis Kyriazakos)
- “iSprint: The start of the journey in the eHealth universe and the challenges ahead”,Sofoklis Kyriazakos, Innovation Sprint, CEO (BE)
- “Health and Care in the Digital Single Market”, Horst Kraemer, European Commission – DG CONNECT (BE)
- “Convergence of Blockchain with AI and IoMT set to re-architect the Healthcare sector”,Ntin Naik, Frost & Sullivan, Global Vice President (US)
Session 1: Digital transformation in the Healthcare industry (Chair: Alfredo Cesario)
- “Hands on P4 Digital Medicine”, Alfredo Cesario, Innovation Sprint, CSO-BIO (BE)
- “The new digital era and the impact in the global economy”, Ramjee Prasad, Aarhus University, Director of CGC Global (DK)
- “How lifetech contributes to shake up the eHealth industry”, Camille Mommer, Lifetech.brussels (BE)
- “The role of BLSI in the Belgian eHealth sector”, Gianluigi Arialdi, Brussels Life Science Incubator (BE)
- “Empowerment of diabetic patients through mHealth technologies and education”, Guillaume Gustin, Université Catholique de Louvain (BE)
Session 2: Coaching systems and applications (Chair: Hermie Hermens)
- “Next generation monitoring and coaching systems”, Hermie Hermens, Innovation Sprint, CSO-eHealth (BE)
- “Innovative e-coaching solutions in Cancer”, Vincenzo Valentini, Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli, UCSC (IT)
- “Smart Technology for Better, Independent, Assisted Health Services Ecosystem”, Martin Serrano, The Insight Centre for Data Analytics (IE)
- “Council of Coaches – A Novel Holistic Behavior Change Coaching Approach”, Harm op den Akker, Roessingh Research and Development – RRD (NL)
- “GOAL: Gamification for healthy life”, Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis, Athens Information Technology (GR)
Session 3: IoT and Big Data (Chair: Paolo Morelli)
- “The role of IoT in Clinical Trials”, Paolo Morelli, Innovation Sprint, CSO- Head of Clinical Research (BE)
- “Innovative Medicines Initiative Big Data and Digital Health”, Magda Gunn, Innovative Medicines Initiative – IMI (BE)
- “Evolving IoT with Smart Objects”, John Soldatos, Athens Information Technology (GR)
- “Big Data perspectives in EU Health collaborative research”, Christina Kyriakopoulou, European Commission DG RTD (BE)