Strategic collaboration with GEMELLI HOSPITAL and ASTRAZENECA IT.   Innovation Sprint announces early results from...
Innovation Sprint will be present during the BIONNALE 2022, one of the biggest Life Sciences...
“What is exactly a data-driven pharmaceutical company and what does it take to be become one?” This has been a crucial question for the past few years and will remain crucial, as long as clinical and research data is not actionable enough to increase efficiency in the Pharma industry. Most pharmaceutical companies are in the process of validating solutions and services, while on the same time there is a growing demand for monetization of Big Data outcomes of clinical and research studies. In Innovation Sprint, we believe that becoming a data-driven company will assist your offering for better healthcare services, enhanced therapies through innovative technologies, transformation of digital disruption to opportunities and increased revenues. This is WHY a pharmaceutical company should go through a digital transformation. If WHY defines the vision, the next challenge is to define HOW this can be achieved. Our strong recommendation for achieving this challenge is to start by implementing your own private data cloud and integrate legacy data, data sets from 3rd party sources and clinical data.