ActionableHealth360 – Technologies and practices for Big Data analytics and data monetization
This toolkit improves this way, healthcare quality, effectiveness and affordability. It also reduces costs by optimizing processes and providing actionable Big Data analytics for efficient decision making. It does so through the implementation of a private data cloud based on
- the definition of the strategy
- the identification of data sources
- the analysis and definition of processes and
- the management and migration of data and data marts from data-warehouses to a private cloud infrastructure
The latter, will support advanced reporting and business insights, and provide datasets needed to offer SaaS solutions in the form of both Web and Mobile apps.For what concerns monetization strategies, ActionableHealth360 allows data providers (e.g. pharmaceutical companies) to securely upload their data through a flexible API.
At the same time, consultants and agencies can use easy tools and develop dynamic reports that exploit rich datasets and make them available for subscriptions.
Further relevant stakeholders in the market, are data consumers – including Healthcare providers, Policy makers, Insurance companies, NHS, and so forth –, who would pay a monthly subscription for basic information, and an additional fee to use the report generators.
Obviously, the income from subscribers is split among the data providers and developers based on a meritocracy model. The vision of ActionableHealth360 marketplace is to contribute to a data-rich healthcare future, enabling medical care to be proactive rather than reactive, and reward data providers for their contribution.
At Innovation Sprint, we believe that ActionableHealth360 is an invaluable asset for data-driven organizations. It aims to offer better healthcare services, enhanced therapies through innovative technologies, digital disruption, and opportunities for increased revenues.
Are you interested in a demonstration of the private data cloud features, and/or own open-data on healthcare? Do you want to be part of the ActionableHealth360 marketplace? Please do not hesitate to contact ah360@innovationsprint.eu.
Sharing the most disruptive in eHealth
After joining the kickoff of the European funded project vCare – developing a tool to accompany patients in rehabilitation at home, avoiding cure disruption – on 6th and 7th of September in Dresden, and organizing our September workshop “Shaking up the eHealth Industry in the New Digital Era” in Brussels – where we met representatives of the European Commission, of universities around Europe, from Greece to Denmark, passing by research institutes like Roessingh Research and Development (NL), and National Belgian bodies such as Lifetech.Brussels (find the content of the workshop at: https://innovationsprint.eu/sprint-1-shaking-up-the-ehealth-industry-in-the-new-digital-era/) -, our team did not stop looking and creating occasions to meet, share and improve.
Between 19th and 24th of October, we were in Athens, where innovators met at the eHealth Forum, a conference on digital health that saw the participation of researchers, industrial stakeholders, professionals of the sector, from all over Europe.
And on 2nd and 3rd of November, we met our partners in Enschede (NL). We met them so as to launch the European funded project Council of Coaches, which will see for the coming three years, professionals and researchers from several countries, pursuing the development of a tool for personalized assistance to conduct a healthy life and aging healthily.Suitcase ready, next stop: Budapest!
Meet Innovation Sprint Founders at the ICT Proposers’ Day
As always, the team of Innovation Sprint is present where ideas, people, innovators meet up to share, learn, grow.
On the 9th and 10th of November in Budapest, Hungary, it will be the two founders, Sofoklis Kyriazakos and Alfredo Cesario , to join a round of ICT researchers, innovators, SMEs, government actors and industrial stakeholders at the ICT Proposers’ Day.
The networking occasion will particularly focus on the Horizon2020 Work Programme for 2018-20, on the fields of Information & Communication Technologies and Future and Emerging Technologies (FET).
With its main Policies highlighting the relevance of topics such as research and innovation for health, the use of technologies for healthy aging, and digital solutions for health, as tools to cope with the demographic trends of the older and older European Continent, this event represents a thrilling occasion for Innovation Sprint, ready to launch its first digital solution for ehealth – CloudCare2U.
The event will provide the participants with information on how to submit a proposal to answer a Horizon2020 call, the SME instrument, IP rights, and trends for the period after 2020. It will give the opportunity to interact with subjects active in the same field and to find project partners. Also through an online platform, Sofoklis Kyriazakos and Alfredo Cesario will be there to meet you and talk innovation.
Staying active: a challenge for people as well as for eHealth apps
Staying active is a common suggestion doctors would give us all. Recently this concern has expanded its range to involve physical, mental, and also digital activity.
Indeed, the Spanish Institute of Statistics published a study on the use of mobile apps, underlining figures and consequences on public health and the field of eHealth and mHealth.One first fact, is that about 90% of surfers uses a mobile device to move around the web. The second fact, is that while there are more than 165.000 mobile health related apps, most of them seem to rest unused.
Indeed, the difference between the amount of existing apps and that of active ones, is appalling: 36 cover half of the total of apps in use.
One major problem, seems to be the lack of an organic communication strategy. This lack cannot benefit te users so to inform them on how such apps could help them improving their life style and health. With this regard, a first step has been taken with the creation of an app that includes a list of all apps that have been accredited by the Agency of Sanitary Health on the basis of 4 criteria:
- quality of information
- design
- respect for privacy and confidentiality, and
- offered services (source: Consalud.es)
The Spanish case should serve as input for more reflexions, since this represents a major issue for public health and eHealth.
Failing to consider and fill the gap between technology and services, on the one side, and the people, on the other side, would indeed make the first useless. We need learn and speak the language of the patients and people who do not “speak technology”. In addition we need to “see” health as they “see” it, and build the golden bridge between needs and digital solutions.
Meet Gabriella @ Innovation Sprint
At the end of last summer, Innovation Sprint saw the family growing with Gabriella Russo joining the team as Project Officer.
Gabriella is a sociologist of Conflict and Security who focused on the use of communication and media in critical scenarios. She mixes a background of studies in economics and international relations, and experience in advocacy and project management. She has a passion for science and technology that passed from pervading her spare time, to being her field of work.
Gabriella made research on human security, a newly spread concept dear to the United Nations and to Conflict and Security schools, which underlines the relevance of people’s sense of confidence and safety in diverse dimensions of people lives. Kind of these dimensions are food security, school security, economic security, health security, and so forth – in order to have real security, and stabilize a context.
Why eHealth then?
I do not consider this an extreme change of field.
At Innovation Sprint we are developing digital products that aim to offer eHealth solutions based on personal specific data, so to be more effective.
Such digital solutions can help guarantee a better health for anybody, decreasing health related costs as well. In other words, we are working for health security!
Other similarities between conflict and security on the one hand, and technology and science on the other hand, can be found in their pivoting on the constant stimuli to human potentials. These are both critical conditions and innovation bring to mankind. Most probably, it is such kind of challenges that sparks my interest in such fields and makes me perceive them so connected. Last but not the least, working in the medical and technological fields has always been my dream, and going to work eager to discover, develop, and find out what the new day brings me, makes production and growth sure, and, why not, cheerful nerd jokes too.
What is your contribution in this field?
As a matter of facts, I am using all my background in communication in complex scenarios, advocacy, and project management.
Indeed, I researched factors impacting on people’s perceptions and choices, based on their information. And currently, I am supporting the implementation of a few projects and the definition of a communication strategy that would bridge the gap between people on one side, and technology and digital services on the other side.
Many things are obvious for tech and med professionals and nerds. But the truth is that if we want to deliver services to any person, regardless of type and level of education (tech or not), economic status, and so forth, we need focus on those human and environmental factors impacting on perceptions and communication, in order to put ourselves in “the patients/users shoe”, speak their language, and understand their feedback.
So to activate a virtuous circle where we understand their point of view and needs, improve our services, and make us understood, make eHealth understood. For what is not understood, is not trusted. And this is just the beginning.
Why a startup?
A startup represents a Pandora’s vase, but of opportunities! Opportunity to learn an incredible number of things, of all sort. Opportunity to learn through constant work “elbow to elbow” with great professionals and humans. Mentors. Opportunity to bring your contribution and see it considered, in other words, to help shape something and be all but just a number in an employee list.
They asked me if I were afraid of such a career switch (leaving missions in the jungle and similar), and of working in a startup, where everything needs be managed from scratch. A bit yes. But it is the things that scary us. It is the thing that challenge us, to provide us with chances for improvement, and I have never enough with what I know and can (I started to run long distances because I wanted to beat myself!). Besides, I work with visionary creative people, who allow and support my visionary insanity.
So speaking of health, in my opinion doctors should prescribe to everybody an experience in a startup! Come and visit us in our offices located in a stimulating research park in Brussels, or meet us in the many conferences and meeting we are joining around Europe.
Quick news
- Our September guests’ work in eHealth: The findings and the way forward.
- Job openings: we are hiring software developers. Click here to find out more.
- Looking for an internship in software development? We offer internships from January 2018, for more info, contact us at: info@innovationsprint.eu