Innovation Sprint is very happy to welcome four students from UCLouvain, who will work with our team in the value proposition of Healthentia, an iterative optimization process we follow in Innovation Sprint, as well as the UX evaluation.


“This project is a unique opportunity to get a foothold in the reality of biomedical field and I wish to learn as much as possible from this collaboration, not only on the professional plan but also as a human experience” – Faustine Falyse.


“This first introduction to the world of work is offering us a wealth of learning opportunities for the future. We as students will be able to see what our future could be made of, which is very exciting and could guide us in our choices for the coming years. I am looking forward to gain experience thanks to this project” – Julie Geortay.


“This concrete and tangible project is the perfect opportunity for us, students, to get a glimpse of what our future jobs could look like. I hope that our teamwork and group efforts will enable us to achieve wonderful results” – Florent Raskin.


“This opportunity to participate in something concrete in the biomedical field is going to be really enriching and I hope to learn a lot of things during this project because all the aspects of it seem to be so much interesting” – Manon Dausort.