Summer processes
A first milestone was to research the market potentials across the pond. With the great incentive of a planned trip to Montreal, Canada, we set off to organize a couple of meetings. We got an idea of how things work and how mature the market is for our solution. We met with the attache from hub.brussels, the invivo, a Life sciences, and health technologies cluster and with an ePRO expert living in Montreal but originally from Belgium. The three meetings got us some great insights on the status of play and we established communication.
In the meantime, back at our Athens lab in July, we welcomed Aristodemos Pnevmatikakis to the team. After a 6month period of collaboration with Innovation Sprint, and a long collaboration with our members in previous R&D projects. Aristodemos is very enthusiastic and has a vast experience to direct our R&D department. The team also welcomed Dimitris Zografos a Senior Software engineer with experience in enterprise systems.
So in between the welcomes and the introductions we were facing our second but major milestone for practical and business purposes. At the end of July was our audit for the certification of our Quality System, a process that has been going on for a long time now and that our team had been working hard to understand and meet the standards. The audit was tough, with hands-on tests in the software development and security part and the hard work paid off. We were audited by a team of 3 experts from TUV Austria for ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and GDPR compliance and the outcome was positive. We are expecting to receive the official certificates by the end of August.
Next thoughts
Next milestone now is to work on the quality system to see how to optimize it and define the next goals for EU and US (e.g. HIPAA).
Looking forward to a great fall.