Our core-team is scientifically active, having produced significant research outcomes in the past 40 years, with more than 500 peer-reviews papers in prestigious books, journals and conferences, more than 35.000 citations, and an h-index from 16 to 64. Innovation Sprint activities and commercial products are based on our research outcomes and we keep up with R&D to deliver innovative results.

This selection of open publications are associated with innovation Sprint
Peer - Reviewed Papers
Research Citations
CATEGORY: Digital Public Health SOURCE: Frontiers – Public Health, December 2024, Volume 12-2024; https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2024.1488687 Benchmarking...
CATEGORY: Ontologies and Machine Learning Techniques SOURCE: MDPI Open Access Journals, Sensors, March 2024, 24(6), 1739; https://doi.org/10.3390/s24061739 Advanced...
CATEGORY: Advances in AI for Health and Medical Applications SOURCE: MDPI Open Access Journals, Information,...
CATEGORY: Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Clinical research, Real-World Data, Digital therapeutics SOURCE: Personalized Medicine Meets...
CATEGORY: virtual coaching, personalized medicine, clinical pathways (CPs), home rehabilitation, digital health (eHealth), embodied conversational...
CATEGORY: Cancer coaching, Personalized medicine, Cloud eHealth platforms SOURCE: Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, Volume 8, January...
CATEGORY: virtual coaching, rehabilitation, clinical medicine, review, embodied conversational agent, physical activity, health behavior SOURCE:...
CATEGORY: eHealth, eCare, Personal Health Systems, COPD, MCI, Frailty SOURCE: Wireless Pers Commun 97, 1835-1875...
CATEGORY: Agent-based Interfaces; Autonomy and Active Ageing; Intelligent Companions; Multi-modal Interaction ; Personalized Interfaces; Speech...
CATEGORY: eHealth, Health monitoring, telemonitoring, COPD Remote patient monitoring SOURCE: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public...