Innovation sprint is participating in a new coaching program, developed by incubators.brussels, all incubators of the Brussels-Capital Region and supported by Innoviris Brussels, to boost our #HealthentiaDigitalBiomarker activity. In this program, Innovation Sprint is receiving coaching and mentoring services by domain experts to strengthen the Digital Biomarker activity as a new pillar for our product Healthentia.
Healthentia Digital Biomarker activity introduces a novel approach of using RWD in clinical studies (among them physiological, psychological, sociological, and environmental information) to discover digital contextual biomarkers by means of Machine Learning algorithms. This activity has already resulted in evidence about the prediction capability of such a digital biomarker that can project clinical endpoints and drive – if used outside the context of a clinical study – eHealth and DTx services.
As incubees of BLSI, one of the program's affiliated incubators, together with the relevance of our scientific research activity makes Innovation Sprint eligible to the program's priorities and therefore we can receive support and promotion of our progress from domain experts.
Program Features
This program has some features that make it different from the others.
• Initially, it will work as a diagnostic tool that will identify the points on which to work in priority and their progress during the program. It is essentially a personalized journey that will be adjusted according to the needs and the stage of maturity of each startup.
• It is also a “lean” and iterative approach as on the one hand the strategic aspects are discussed with an advisory board (composed of highly qualified coaches and entrepreneurs). And on the other hand, the operational aspects are dealt with by experienced coaches and experts.
• Finally there are the individual and collective coaching sessions, where the collective sessions may involve start-ups from the other 3 incubators.
Program Expectations
• We expect that the program will assist our effort to refine our strategy and address the new market of Digital Biotechnology, exploiting the prosperous ecosystem of the region; thus achieving a high impact.